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ANC Roofing Inc’s Full-Service Flat Roofing

Flat or low slope roof systems can be challenging specially in Florida due to the severe weather and huge amounts of rainfall. At ANC Roofing Inc, we evaluate the problem and provide solutions that carry the longest warranty possible. ANC Roofing Inc provides premier flat roof repairs to residents and business owners in Orlando, FL, and the surrounding areas. If your flat roof ponds water and has no proper drainage, we recommend replacing the roof. Repairing a flat roof without proper drainage only prolongs the need for a roof system that drains properly. Not doing so can waste even more hard-earned money on repairs that only last months! If your roof is subject to large amounts of rain, it will fail without proper drainage. If ponding, a brand new and typical 15-year Modified Bitumen roof system will only last three to five years. The roofing industry uses several options to remedy the water ponding issues, including our favorite, the “Tapered System.” A tapered system will create just enough slope to drive the water off and avoid ponding of water. As a rule of thumb and per Manufacturers Guidelines, if water on the roof dries in 24 hours, the roof system has adequate drainage. Contact us today for a quote.

At ANC Roofing Inc we offer the longest warranties than any other company in the Orlando area by providing an over and above installation processes and top of the line materials while keeping the price super competitive.

flat roof repair

Advantages of Flat Roof Systems

The most significant benefits of flat roof systems include:

  • Exemplary Durability
  • Offered in a Variety of Colors
  • Superior Value
  • Multiple Layers Boost Protection

Full-Service Flat Roofing

ANC Roofing Inc is proud to offer comprehensive residential and commercial flat roofing services. Our full spectrum of flat roofing services includes:

  • Flat Roof Inspections
  • Flat Roof Maintenance
  • New Flat Roof Installations
  • Flat Roof Repairs
  • Warranty-Approved Flat Roof Restoration

Explore ANC Roofing Inc Services

We don’t stop at flat roof services. Our comprehensive roofing services include:

Residential & Commercial Properties Flat Roof Solutions

Flat roof solutions have come a long way from traditional built-up roofing with asphalt-based roofing tar and roofing felt. Today’s flat roofing materials are more lightweight, durable, and low maintenance. Our most popular flat roof solutions include:

Modified Bitumen

Modified bitumen roofing is best used on residential and small-scale commercial flat roofs. The seams overlap and are sealed with an adhesive or fused with a torch. The surface includes a reflective coating for enhanced durability and reduced heat absorption.

EPDM Roofing

Ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) roofing has the look and feel of a rubber inner tube. It’s perfect for any size of flat roof. The flexible material is glued to the substrate of the roof and next to EPDM sections. An EPDM roof can last for decades with minimal maintenance but needs a reflective top coating to reduce cooling costs due to its heat-absorbing dark tone.

PVC Roofing

PVC roofing is a single-ply roofing material made of polyvinyl chloride. It’s used frequently for durable large commercial roofing projects. PVC roofing is applied using a heating gun that welds together seams between the PVC sheets, creating an impermeable membrane. PVC roofing is white, offering superior heat-reflective qualities without needing an additional coating.

TPO Roofing

Thermo-plastic telephone (TPO) roofing has a fabric-like roofing material. It’s well-suited for almost any type of flat roofing project. It can be installed using mechanical fasteners, adhesives, or heat welding. It needs a clean and uniform substrate for installation.

SPF Roofing

Spray polyurethane foam (SPF) combines flashing, insulation, and roofing. Rather than tearing an old flat roof off, SPF technology does not require tearing an older roof off because a roofing contractor can spray a continuous high-density foam layer to seal leaks and bridge gaps. SPF roofing provides an excellent insulation value due to its cured foam layer.

Contact ANC Roofing Inc for Your Flat Roof Repairs

ANC Roofing Inc offers easy financing with no money down and some of the best warranties in the business. Let us provide a free quote for your flat roof repairs and any other roofing needs. Contact our team today to schedule your roofing services in Orlando, FL.

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