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Modern blue roof installed by ANC Roofing Inc. in Orlando, FL

If you’re budgeting for a new roof this year, it’s time to explore the new and innovative options available for your home. Whether you’re interested in boosting your curb appeal or increasing efficiency, these are the top four roofing trends to look for in 2020.

Flat Silhouettes

This year, a flat roof looks anything but boring. Homeowners who love a sleek, modern look appreciate the clean lines created by this shape. If you eventually plan to install solar panels, a roof garden, or other sustainable features, consider prepping your property for the upgrade with a flat roof.

Metal Roofing

While asphalt roofing shingles have long been a mainstay, aluminum and steel roofs are becoming much more common. Even if you’ve never considered a metal roof before, you may be swayed by benefits like:

  • Durability: Metal roofs last up to five decades with minimal maintenance requirements.
  • Sustainability: Homeowners can choose recycled materials and the metal can be recycled again when it’s time for an upgrade.
  • Appearance: Metal works with a range of architectural styles and decor aesthetics, so it’s a versatile choice. Choose from various colors, including brown, copper, bronze, and blue.

Upgraded Asphalt Choices

As the most common type of roof in the United States, asphalt can hardly be called a trend. However, today’s varieties put a new spin on this classic roofing material with enhanced durability and a more diverse range of color and finish choices. Homeowners can also select reflective asphalt shingles that keep the roof and the home cool, an attractive proposition here in sunny Florida. With proper care, asphalt can last up to 25 years, even in extreme heat.

Light Colors

While black, gray, and brown roofs are still the norm, more homeowners are choosing lighter roof hues than ever before. Look for neutral shades like taupe and ecru along with bold primary colors like blue, green, and red.

If you live in Orlando, Winter Garden, and the surrounding area, ANC Roofing Inc. offers competitive pricing on new roofs, along with free estimates, financing options, and comprehensive warranty programs. Call 407-654-4500 or complete our online form to request an estimate.