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Dealing with roof damage is a headache, but your predicament is much more manageable once you understand how to navigate the insurance claims process. Since the roof is your Florida home’s first line of defense against the elements, you should repair it as soon as possible. From wind damage to moisture intrusion, your roof faces numerous threats, and knowing how to get your roof replaced by insurance can save you a lot of stress. Follow this guide for everything you need to know, from understanding your homeowner’s insurance to successfully filing a roof insurance claim.

How Home Insurance Roof Coverage Works

First things first—what kind of roof damage is covered by your insurance? Most policies cover a range of perils, including natural disasters like hail and wind. However, the specifics vary by policy, so look into the details before you file a claim. Remember, insurance is there to protect your home when unexpected damage occurs, so make policy changes in advance to receive the coverage you need when the next storm hits.

Roof Damage

Also, don’t confuse warranties with insurance. Warranties, which often come with the roofing materials or services you purchase, cover defects and abnormal wear but typically don’t extend to damages caused by external forces like wind or fire. This limitation is why having comprehensive homeowner’s insurance is so crucial.

How to File a Roof Damage Insurance Claim

Roof Damage

Once the storm blows over, it’s important to inspect your roof for signs of damage so you can make repairs before inclement weather strikes again. Here are the eight steps of finding roof damage and filing an insurance claim:

  1. Find a reputable roofing contractor: Start by researching local roofing contractors in Orlando. Check online reviews and ask for recommendations from friends and family. Make sure the contractor is licensed and insured to comply with Florida regulations. Be wary of scams following natural disasters, and don’t engage with unsolicited repair offers.
  2. Schedule a roof inspection: The contractor you choose will inspect your roof to identify the damage. Expect the contractor to take photos as evidence of the damage when dealing with your insurance company. The contractor will also prepare a detailed report outlining the extent of the damage, which is vital when you file your claim.
  3. Make temporary fixes: If your roof has sustained significant damage, your contractor might need to make short-term repairs to prevent further harm. Save all receipts from this work so you can seek reimbursement from your insurance company.
  4. File the claim: Once temporary fixes are in place, contact your insurance company to report the damage, file the claim, and schedule a visit from an insurance adjuster. Inform your contractor so they can be present during the adjuster’s visit, if possible.
  5. Take notes and ask questions: During the adjuster’s time at your home, write down their name, the date of their visit, and your claim number. Ask about the coverage for the described damage, deadlines for filing the claim, how long the claims process should take, and if repair estimates are needed.
  6. Get approval: After the adjuster’s visit, your insurance provider will approve the covered repairs and issue an estimate for the repair or replacement costs. Review this estimate with your contractor to ensure it covers the necessary scope and nature of the work. Remember, roofing contractors are only responsible for assessing and repairing the damage. If you dispute the insurance coverage, you must resolve the matter with your adjuster.
  7. Schedule the work: Your contractor will estimate a roof repair timeline. The start date will be set once the contractor obtains the necessary materials, ensuring everything is ready before work begins.
  8. Understand how payments work: Usually, the roofing contractor receives payment once the work is complete. If you have a mortgage, the insurance company’s settlement check may go to your lender, where it’s safely stashed in an escrow account until the contractor finishes the job. If the initial estimate doesn’t cover all roof repair costs, your contractor will invoice your insurer for these additional funds.
  9. Ensure a job well done: Your mortgage company has a financial interest in your home, so expect a representative to come by and inspect the work for quality and completeness.

Roof Damage

Why Choose ANC Roofing?

If your roof has succumbed to wind, hail, or other storm damage, turn to ANC Roofing for help with your insurance roof replacement. We have over 27 years of experience making roof repairs and installing new roofs, with easy, no-money-down financing options and free estimates available. Our A+ BBB rating and multiple Angi Super Service Awards mean you can trust our highly skilled team to meet all your roofing needs. We also offer excellent warranty coverage and the only true 100% lifetime guarantee in the Greater Orlando area. To experience our unparalleled service firsthand, please contact us at 407-654-4500 and request your free roof inspection and estimate.