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Repairing a house roof

One of the most popular types of roofs on Florida homes is clay tile. Clay tile roofs are big in the Sunshine State because they’re durable and long-lasting, even with Florida’s heat and unpredictable hurricane season. Let’s take a closer look at why this roofing material is so commonly used and its production process.

Sturdy Roofs That Last

Clay roof tiles work well with nearly any slope, so they’re found on many different styles of homes. Terracotta is frequently used because it maintains its color for decades, even in Florida’s sun. Clay is an all-natural material that’s easy to maintain, won’t burn, and can last over a century. With these exceptional qualities, it’s easy to see why clay is so popular.

Clay Tile Production

Technology has both changed the way roofs are made and reduced the environmental impact of the production process. The industry is still looking for ways to “go green,” but production currently consists of three stages:

  •  Quarrying: Manufacturers situate their plants alongside clay deposits and sand quarries to minimize the energy spent on transporting materials. Certain “green” codes of practice aim to reduce the ecological impact and prevention of pollution during quarrying, and clay pits are often recycled into nature reserves once tapped out.
  • Raw Material Preparation: The clay is then stockpiled and crushed for several days, and water and other raw materials like sawdust may be added to get the right consistency and porosity. Next, clay is pressed between molds for interlocking tiles or molded and cut into bricks.
  • Drying and Firing: Shaped clay enters a high-temperature kiln for firing, where the heat makes them resistant to deterioration. This is the step that requires the most energy expenditure, but manufacturers continue to seek ways to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions, including the use of better kilns, high-speed burners, and automated process control.

Receive an Estimate Today

Once firing is complete, clay tiles are packed and distributed to roof companies like ANC Roofing Inc. We provide new roof installation and roof repair services to Winter Garden and Orlando homes, and our clay tiles are extremely popular. We know the importance of having a quality roof, and we can help you obtain one easily by offering financing options, warranties, and competitive prices. Call ANC Roofing Inc. at 407-654-4500 or contact us online for a free estimate!