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Discover Our Flat Roofing Services in Orlando, FL

While many Florida homes have tile, metal, or shingle roofing, we still see a lot of low-slope or flat roofing across the state. Flat roofing has a lot of benefits but can also be susceptible to certain specific flat roof issues. At ANC Roofing Inc, we specialize in repairing and replacing flat roofing in Orlando, FL. Our knowledgeable roofing contractors have decades of experience in maintaining flat roofing systems so that they last as long as possible.

At ANC Roofing Inc we offer the longest warranties than any other company in the Orlando area by providing an over and above installation processes and top of the line materials while keeping the price super competitive.

Flat roof services in Orlando, FL

Flat Roof Specialists

At ANC Roofing Inc, we take pride in providing the best low slope system possible to achieve the full life expectancy of the best materials used. Our team can modify and re design a flat roof that may retain water to a low slope system that drains well and for this reason can last 3 to 4 times longer than a flat roof system that has no proper drainage.

Flat roof coating services in Orlando, FL

Explore Our Flat Roofing Installation & Other Services

We offer full-service flat roofing services, including flat roofing installation and repairs. Our flat roofing services include:

  • Flat Roof Inspections
  • Flat Roof Maintenance
  • New Flat Roofing Installation
  • Flat Roof Repairs
  • Warranty-Approved Flat Roof Restoration

We Have Experience Repairing and Installing These Types of Flat Roofing Materials

Modified Bitumen

Most often used on residential and small-scale commercial roofs, this roofing material has overlapping seams that are sealed with roofing adhesive or torch fused. The roofing surface is coated in a reflective agent to increase durability and decrease heat absorption.

EPDM Roofing

Ethylene propylene diene monomer roofing material is similar to a rubber inner tube. It can work on flat roofing of any size. We glue this material to the substrate of the roof. It can last for decades and doesn’t require a lot of roofing maintenance. We do add a reflective topcoat to lower your cooling costs.

PVC Roofing

This is a single-ply roofing material fabricated from polyvinyl chloride. We typically use it for commercial flat roofing installation. We apply it with a heating gun and weld the seams between the sheets, which creates an impenetrable membrane. We use white PVC roofing for superior heat reflection.

TPO Roofing

Thermo-plastic telephone roofing is almost fabric-like. We can use it for almost any type of flat roofing system. We install it using mechanical fasteners, adhesives, or heat welding.

SPF Roofing

Spray polyurethane foam uses a combination of flashing, roofing materials, and insulation. If you opt for roof replacement, we won’t have to tear your old roof off. We can just spray on a high-density foam layer to seal any leaks and fix damage.

Learn About the Benefits of Flat Roofing Systems

There are pros and cons for every type of roofing material and style. Flat roofing systems are no different. If you’re considering a flat roofing installation, read through this list of benefits of flat roofing:

  • Increased roof space for HVAC units, gardens, and more.
  • Flat roof issues are easier to repair.
  • Flat roof installation is less expensive because fewer roofing materials are needed.
  • More energy-efficient.
  • Flat roof maintenance is easier to keep up with.
  • With proper maintenance, flat roofing can have a longer lifespan than other types of roofing.

Be Aware of Common Flat Roof Issues

Like any other type of roofing system, a flat roofing system does have downsides. Without the proper maintenance, your roof is at risk of problems and flat roof issues. Here are the most common flat roof issues that our roofing contractors encounter:

  • Drainage issues that lead to roof leaks, mold and mildew growth, and roof rot.
  • Lack of roofing maintenance, which contributes to flat roof issues.
  • Stability problems due to problems with leaks and drainage.
  • Snow and ice settling on the roof and weighing it down, causing damage over time.
  • Exposure and extreme temperatures and weather that cause cracking, blistering, punctures, tears, and sun damage.
  • Structural movement due to temperature fluctuation.
  • Debris and organic matter accumulation that causes wear and tear, a sagging roof or ceiling, or mold and mildew growth.

Call Today for Flat Roofing Installation in Orlando, FL

If you have flat roof issues or need flat roofing installation in Orlando, FL, call us today at ANC Roofing Inc. Our roofing contractors have decades of experience in maintaining, repairing, and installing flat roofing systems. We can discuss the pros and cons of flat roofing, and help you determine if it’s right for you and your home. Call us today or request a free estimate online.

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