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Meet Our Qualified Roofing Contractors in Orlando, FL

When you need roofing repairs or roof replacement, you shouldn’t try to do it yourself. Buying the right tools and materials is expensive, and you’re putting the safety of you and your home at risk. At ANC Roofing Inc, our roofing contractors in Orlando, FL have 32 years of experience in completing fast, quality roofing repairs and replacements. ANC Roofing Inc has achieved completing thousands of repairs/re-roofs with a 5 Star Google Review History!

Men installing new roof in Orlando, FL

Learn More About Our Roofing Services

When your business has a roofing problem, it reflects on you as a business owner. Ignoring a roofing repair can put your employees and customers in danger and might be against local laws and statutes. When you need fast, reliable, and affordable commercial roofing repairs, call our roofing contractors. We specialize in these comprehensive commercial roofing services:

  • Roof Replacement
  • Roofing Repairs
  • Roof Maintenance
  • Roofing Installation
  • Roofing Inspections
  • Emergency Roofing Repairs

Watch for Signs You Need Roof Replacement

Sometimes roofing repairs aren’t possible because your roof is too damaged, and it might be time to invest in a roof replacement. A roof replacement can be more cost-effective than paying for multiple roofing repairs over the years. Be on the lookout for these signs you need a roof replacement:

  • The edges of your roofing shingles are curled.
  • The roofing materials have bald spots.
  • The roofing shingles are cracked.
  • Your roof is 20 or more years old.
  • You’re planning on selling or renting out your home.
  • There are dark streaks on your roof.
  • Your roof has been significantly damaged by weather, storms, pest infestations, ice, moss or mildew, or roof leaks.
  • There is significant breakage or cracks around your roof flashing.
  • You have roof rot.
  • Water damage has spread to the interior of your home.
  • Your roofline is sagging.

Discover the Benefits of Roof Maintenance

When you schedule timely roofing repairs and roof maintenance, you can extend the lifespan of your roof. Plus, regularly scheduled roofing inspections will catch problems before they get bigger and costlier. Some other important benefits of calling a roofing contractor for maintenance include:

  • Saving time and money
  • Enjoying peace of mind
  • Making sure you’re in compliance with your homeowner’s insurance policy, homeowner’s association rules, and roofing materials warranty terms
  • Identifying roofing problems and weak points in your roof
  • Avoiding health and safety hazards
  • Protecting the value of your home
  • Mitigating storm, weather, and extreme temperature damage

Comparing Roofing Shingles & Other Roofing Materials

When you need a roof replacement or new roofing installation, you might have the opportunity to choose between roofing shingles and other roofing materials. Here’s a look at the most common roofing materials used in Florida:

Asphalt Roofing Shingles

This is one of the most popular types of roofing materials in Florida and throughout the US. Roofing shingles are attractive, affordable, and durable and they complement any style of architecture.

Clay Tile Roofing

This roofing material is popular because it can last up to 50 years with proper maintenance. Clay tiles never rot, and are resistant to insects, salt spray, fire, wind, and water.

Concrete Tile Roofing

Concrete roofing has a similar lifespan as clay roofing. It is resistant to heavy rains and fire. It’s also one of the few roofing materials that doesn’t absorb water.

Metal Roofing

Metal roofing is low-maintenance and extremely durable. It is resistant to pests and the elements, and can withstand winds up to 160 mph.

Wood Shakes

Wood shakes are like roofing shingles. They can last up to 40 years with proper maintenance and can be sealed to protect them from pests and weather.

New Roof Installation in Orlando, FL

Read About ANC Roofing Inc’s Insulation Services

In addition to roofing repairs and roof replacement, our roofing contractors also specialize in insulation services. We offer the following types of insulation:

  • Spray Foam Insulation
  • Blown Insulation
  • Exterior Wall Insulation
  • Home Re-Insulation
  • Fiberglass Insulation
  • Attic Insulation
  • Insulation Removal

Call Today for Experienced Roofing Contractors in Orlando

When you need an experienced, dependable roofing contractor in Orlando, FL, call us at ANC Roofing Inc. We take pride in providing exceptional customer service and high-quality roofing services to each customer. We always show up on time and work efficiently to save you time and money. Plus, we’ll walk you through every step of our roofing repairs and roof replacement plan, so you know exactly what to expect. You can request a free estimate online through our website.

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